We said we'd bring it, and here it is.
If you remember our previous Bashment Phenomena post we talked about all the nut (_!_) party themes, headlines, and flyers that people concoct for a quick buck. Thanks to the easily accessible Photoshop and the new wave of youtube tutorials, everyone is suddenly a marketing and event planning pro. POSH!
End result? We end up with Nonsense Ent. presents the Foolery Edition hosted by the Sheep Crew. Ladies free before 11:22PM, and $4.99 after + tax. Shout out to the WHOLE alphabet.
But can you REALLY blame these party "planners" and promoters? The question isn't why do they do it, because we all know why. The real question is WHY DO PEOPLE GO?
Throw a half naked chick and some words on a flyer and people flock; they'll sell their grandmother and knock over the local liquor store to make sure they have money for the perfect outfit and cover charge for the night. BUT substitute that naked girl with an AIDS ribbon and change "Affair" to "Fundraiser" and suddenly everyone is broke with a prior engagement - watching paint dry, ironing the sheets, walking the cat, etc.
Most events have now resorted to tricking people into caring. It's sad really.
Exhibits A and B
Another Greek family also hosted a socially aware event, however the Alphas chose AIDS Awareness.
Exhibit C
Although the cause is more vivid on the flyer, it seems randomly placed as though to say "o yeah, we care about something too, so now you should really come."
I get it - it's a catch 22. You want to support a good cause, but you also want to drive a crowd. But have we really gotten to a point where spread eagle is more appealing than the fight against domestic violence? We've evolved so much on a macro level - we actually have an African American president; but on a micro scale, we've regressed into a time where it's more fun to "chuck and jive" than to donate and save.
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