di·va /ˈdivə, -vɑ/ [dee-vuh, -vah] –noun, plural -vas, -ve /-vɛ/ [-ve] . a distinguished female singer; prima donna. [Origin: 1880–85; < It < L dīva, fem. of dīvus god; cf. divine]
The basic sense of the term is "Goddess" or "fine lady" and it derives from the Latin 'divus' meaning 'divine'.
Despite is musical reference, the term "diva" has been known to represent a woman of rare, outstanding talent - not limited to the performing arts. Despite its sometimes negative connotation within the entertainment industry, the term "diva" is one that over the years has become synonymous with strong, independent, successful women. But leave it to Beyoncé to taint the entire meaning of the word.
Interview after interview, Beyoncé has made a point in stating that she hates it when people call her a diva - because that's not what she is. Remember the negative connotation I mentioned earlier? - a female singer who is arrogant, egocentric, rude, condescending, etc. - yeah, that's what Beyoncé isn't.

I’m a a diva (hey)
I’m a I’m a a diva (hey)
I’m a I’m a a diva (hey)
I’m a I’m a a diva
I’m a I’m a a diva (hey)
I’m a I’m a a diva
I’m a I’m a a diva (hey)
I’m a I’m a…
Na na na diva is a female version of a hustla
Of a husla
Of a of a hustla
Na na na diva is a female version of a hustla
Of a husla
Of a of a hustla
Stop the track, let me state facts
I told you give me a minute, and I’ll be right back
Fifty million round the world and they said that I couldn’t get it
I done got so sick and filthy with benj’s I cant spend
How you gone be talkin shit?
You act like I just got up in it
Been the number one diva in this game for a minute
I know you read the paper, the one that they call a queen
Every radio round the world know me
Cause that’s where I be
Let's clear up a few inconsistencies:
- How do you insist to the media for years that you're not a diva then release a song, not only entitled "Diva" but that glorifies you being a diva? One of the lines in the 1st verse (Been the number one diva in this game for a minute contradicts the whole claim to never being a diva. Dumb (_!_)
- "diva is a female version of a hustla" - Really?? We will revisit this in depth later; but I will say this - a diva is NOT, nor has it ever been, a female version of a "hustla". Now the concoction of this nut (_!_) definition was probably just to pacify Beyoncé's inner diva - if I change the meaning, then it's ok if I'm a diva - but do not spew this filth on the radio as though it's the new anthem of the feminist movement. But I digress … til further notice.
- Beyoncé's rise to fame was only because of her SINGING ability - she's not an actor, and she certainly is NOT a rapper. Maybe this song was intended to be a parody to Lil Wayne's "A Milli" (have you seen the "Diva" video? It's nothing short of a joke, but let's move on) in which case she should've consulted her RAPPER husband and had him write her rhymes for this track. It's not as though she's opposed to
stealing,borrowing, using other people's work. - Not only has Beyoncé always maintained that she's not a diva, when interviewing, she would describe herself as "humble" and "modest". The modesty in these lyrics have escaped me so can someone point me to it. Don't worry, I'll wait.
O I know - this isn't Beyoncé; it's herother personalityalter-ego "Sasha Fierce". As we move on…
Artists are constantly altering the meanings and spellings of words to sell records. Ex: it's ludicrous and fabulous not Ludacris and Fabolous. So the fact that Beyoncé would give the word (that she hates) a whole new meaning isn't all that surprising. Just annoying.
hus·tler /ˈhʌslər/ [huhs-ler] –noun
1. an enterprising person determined to succeed; go-getter.
2. Slang. a person who employs fraudulent or unscrupulous methods to obtain money; swindler.
3. Informal. an expert gambler or game player who seeks out challengers, esp. unsuspecting amateur ones, in order to win money from them: He earned his living as a pool hustler.
4. Slang. a prostitute.
5. a person who hustles.
Maybe I'm a slow, but as far as I can tell, "hustler" is not a gender specific term; it is not specific to solely males. So for Beyoncé to make the bold statement that ANYTHING is the female version of it is LUDICROUS. That's like saying "a nurse is the female version of a doctor" - let's not.
Moreover, the 2 words do not mean the same thing - not in slang or the Queen's English - so why is one being compared to the other? One is not synonymous to the other, and for good reason. Diva typically refers to females, where as a hustler can be male or female. So if Beyoncé wanted to, she could claim that she's both a diva and a hustler.
"I'ma hustler I'ma I'ma hustler homie" -Sean "Jay-Z" Carter
So MAYBE Beyoncé was implying she's the female version of her beau?! What an insult to him that would be. §MH.
What's most infuriating about Beyoncé's definition of "diva" is the fact that she has every female - young & old, far & wide - believing it. Ladies have it in their myspace names, aim messages, facebook status, etc - all claiming that they're divas: the female version of hustlers. Why can't good sense spread this quickly? Why aren't we quoting Maya Angelou or Mary McLeod Bethune? Who aspires to be a "hustler"?! Yes the slang terminology has diluted us into believing a hustler is a good thing - fine - but still. This is someone who dropped out of high school (which explains a lot) so what makes her a reliable source of information for what constitutes as "diva" or "hustler" or anything? She didn't "hustle" to get her millions; she sang! Her daddy
It's sad to see how susceptible ignorance can be. Beyoncé in 1 track can come along and completely alter the meaning of a word and suddenly it's Gospel. SMDH.
Why hasn't anyone else read this? 💯 Facts
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